What is Gas Sensor
A gas sensor is a gadget which distinguishes the nearness of various gases in a zone, particularly those gases which may be destructive to people or animals.
MQ Series
The MQ series of gas sensors utilize a little warmer inside with an electro-chemical sensor. They are touchy for a scope of gasses and are utilized inside at room temperature. The yield is an analog flag and can be perused with an analog input of the Arduino. The list of MQ series is mentioned below.
- MQ-2
- MQ-3
- MQ-4
- MQ-5
- MQ-6
- MQ-7
- MQ-8
- MQ-9
- MQ-131
- MQ-135
- MQ-136
- MQ-137
- MQ-138
- MQ-214
- MQ-216
- MQ-303A
- MQ-306A
- MQ-307A
- MQ-309A
What is the MQ-2 Gas Sensor Module?
The MQ-2 Gas Sensor module is helpful for gas spillage distinguishing in home and industry. It can recognize LPG, I-butane, propane, methane, liquor, hydrogen and smoke.
A few modules have a worked in factor resistor to modify the affectability of the sensor.
Note: The sensor turns out to be extremely hot sooner or later, don't contact it!
In this article, we will utilize the sequential screen of Code-bender (or Arduino IDE) to perceive how the sensor demonstrations in factor gasses.
In this way, we should begin!
Tools, We need are:
The tools which we are going to use in this project are:
- Breadboard
- MQ-2 Gas Sensor
- Arduino Uno
Connections, that we will set in this project are:
- Output to Arduino Analog A0 Pin
- GNG to Arduino GND Pin
- Vcc to Arduino 5V Pin
Warning! Be careful during this process. Kindly do not touch the gas sensor because, after a short time, it will start heating.
Uploading the code:
Take a stab at downloading the code-bender module and tapping on the Run on Arduino button to program your Arduino with this portray. Also, that is it, you've customized your Arduino board! Press the "Connect" button to begin a sequential connection with your Arduino board.
Well done! At last, you have learned that how to use the MQ-2 Gas Sensor with the Arduino. If you have any query, feel free to ask. We’re here to help you and if you have any info that we can add further in our article, don’t be hesitate. Just suggest us in the comment section.