Description: This is the most recent DS18B20 1-Wire advanced temperature sensor from Maxim IC. Reports degrees C with 9 to 12-bit accuracy, - 55C to 125C (+/ - 0.5C). Every sensor has a one of a kind 64-Bit Serial number carved into it - takes into account an enormous number of sensors to be utilized on one information transport. This is a superb part that is the foundation of numerous information logging and temperature control ventures.
Special 1-Wireâ® interface requires just a single port pin for correspondence
Every gadget has an exceptional 64-bit sequential code put away in a locally available ROM
Multidrop capacity disentangles appropriated temperature detecting applications
Requires no outer parts
Can be controlled from information line. Power supply run is 3.0V to 5.5V
Measures temperatures from â€"55°C to +125°C (â€"67°F to +257°F)
±0.5°C exactness from â€"10°C to +85°C
Thermometer goals are client selectable from 9 to 12 bits
Changes over temperature to a 12-bit computerized word in 750ms (max.)
Client quantifiable nonvolatile (NV) alert settings
Alert pursuit direction distinguishes and addresses gadgets whose temperature is outside of customized limits (temperature caution condition)
Applications incorporate thermostatic controls, mechanical frameworks, buy items, thermometers, or any thermally touchy framework