0.96 Inch 128x64 Oled Yellow and Blue I2C/Serial LCD Display


Probably one of the brightest, most versatile and inexpensive OLED currently on the market - great with Arduino or the WCT Pro Mini+. It's an I2C device with address of 0xC3, however you can also communicate with it using SPI at address 0x78. Very versatile and fun to use. It does not have readable RAM so it uses 1K of the Arduino's RAM for video buffering (only 128 Bytes of ram on the WCT Pro Mini+).


  • Wide voltage range: 3.3V-5V DC
  • Viewing angle: greater than 160 degrees
  • Driver IC: SSD1306
  • Size: 0.96 inch
  • Communication: IIC, only two I/O pins!
