Dual H Bridge Motor Driver Module (L298)

This dual bidirectional motor driver is based on the very popular L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver Integrated Circuit. The circuit will allow you to easily and independently control two motors of up to 2A each in both directions. It is ideal for robotic applications and well suited for connection to a microcontroller requiring just a couple of control lines per motor.


L298 Motor Driver Module

Drive a 2-phase bipolar stepper motor or two DC motors with the L298 dual H-Bridge chip, mounted on this handy breakout board along with all necessary peripherals!

Logic voltage 5V
Drive voltage 5V-35V
Logic Current 0mA-36mA
Drive current 2A (MAX each bridge)
Maximum Power 25W
Dimensions 43 * 43 * 27 mm

The L298 motor driver module features:

  • Finned Aluminum Heatsink for the L298 IC
  • Clamping Rectifiers
  • Filter Capacitors for logic-power and moto-power busses
  • Onboard 5-Volt DC Regulator (A jumper selects between external 5-Volt power or the onboard 5-volt regulator.)
  • Screw Terminal connections for ground, motor power, 5-volt power, and motor outputs
  • 0.1 inch-pitch header pins for logic inputs
  • Jumpers to tie the enable inputs to ground (if desired)
  • Switches up to 2 amps per channel

The overall PC Board dimensions are 1.70" Square x 1.16" Tall. Mounting holes in each corner accept 1/8" screws or standoffs. This module is easy to get running, with only 4 logic pins required. 
L298 Motor Driver Module L298 Motor Driver Module L298 Motor Driver Module