2.4G global open ISM frequency band,Maximum 20dbm launch power
Support 6 channels data reception,2mbit/s that makes it possible to high-quality VoIP
Peak current 25mA at 2MBPS rate
@ 0 DBM under 2 mbit/s rate of the output of the peak current 45 ma
Power consumpti
2.4G global open ISM frequency band,Maximum 20dbm launch power
Support 6 channels data reception,2mbit/s that makes it possible to high-quality VoIP
Peak current 25mA at 2MBPS rate
@ 0 DBM under 2 mbit/s rate of the output of the peak current 45 ma
Power consumption 400A at power down mode
Power consumption 32uA at standby mode
130us quickly switch and wake time
Work voltage:2.2V to 3.6V
Module pin standard patch 1.27mm
Package Included:
1 X 2.4G NRF24L01+PA+LNA Wireless Module