It is infrared thermometer with an I2C interface. Uses the MELEXIS MLX90614ESF-BAA-000-TU-ND chip which works as a contactless temperature measurement sensor. It is Easy to use with an Arduino or other microcontroller.
Infrared thermometer MLX90614 specifications:
- Measuring temperature range: -40 - + 125 ° C
- Operating temperature range: -70 - + 380 ° C
Features and Benefits:
- Small size, low cost
- Mounted on a breakout board with two types of pins
- 10k Pull up resistors for the I2C interface with optional solder jumpers
- Easy to integrate
- Factory calibrated in wide temperature range:
- -40…+125°C for sensor temperature and
- -70…+380°C for object temperature.
- High accuracy of 0.5°C over wide temperaturerange (0…+50°C for both Ta and To) High (medical) accuracy calibration
- Measurement resolution of 0.02°C
- Single and dual zone versions
- SMBus compatible digital interface
- Customizable PWM output for continuousreading
- Simple adaptation for 8…16V applications
- Sleep mode for reduced power consumption
- Different package options for applications andmeasurements versatility
- Automotive grade
Applications Examples:
- High precision non-contact temperaturemeasurements
- Thermal Comfort sensor for Mobile AirConditioning control system
- Temperature sensing element for residential,commercial and industrial building airconditioning Windshield defogging
- Automotive blind angle detection
- Industrial temperature control of moving parts
- Temperature control in printers and copiers
- Home appliances with temperature control
- Healthcare
- Livestock monitoring
- Movement detection
- Multiple zone temperature control – up to 127sensors can be read via common 2 wires
- Thermal relay / alert
- Body temperature measurement