5V Multi-function Delay Relay Module with Digital Display

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This product have power-on trigger delay and cycle time delay, high /low level trigger delay and self-lock functions,with digital display and  accurate delay, 18 features optional, it can connect to maximum  220V 10A AC load or 30V 10A DC , is widely used for smart home automation, product life testing, electronic design and application, and so on. Products have three voltage 5V, 12V, 24V versions available, 1-999 seconds and 1-999 minutes select delay time, you need to select the appropriate voltage versions you want.
Relay load capacity: AC 220V 10A or DC 30V 10A
5V static current: 45mA maximum power consumption: 130mA


Function 1 (timing disconnect): The relay is closed when power on, After the end of the delay time,relay disconnect (it will keep disconnect when the module is powering ), Relay time can be 1-999 seconds (or 1-999 minutes), when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 2 (timing connect): The relay is open when power on, After the end of the delay time, relay connect (it will keep connect when the module is powering ), Relay time can be 1-999 seconds (or 1-999 minutes), when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 3 (timing connect and then disconnect): The relay is closed when power on, relay connect time (T1) can be adjustable in 1 -999 seconds (or 1-999 minutes). After the end of the delay time,it disconnect, disconnect time (T2) can be 1 -999 seconds (or 1-999 minutes), when T2 pass,the relay will remain connect, when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 4 (timing disconnect and then connect): The relay is disconnect when power on, relay disconnect time (T1) can be adjustable in 1 -999 seconds (or 1-999 minutes).After the end of the delay time,it connect, connect time (T2) can be 1 -999 seconds (or 1-999 minutes), when T2 pass,the relay will remain disconnect, when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;

Cycle timer parts:
Function 5 (infinite loop timing mode 1): The relay is closed when power on, relay-on time T1, T1 pass,it disconnect, disconnect time T2. T2 pass, it will back to T1 and cycle. when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 6 (infinite loop timing mode 2): The relay is open when power on, disconnect  time T1, T1 pass,it connect, connect time T2. T2 pass, it will back to T1 and cycle. when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 7 (Finite cyclic timer mode 1): The relay is closed when power on, relay-on time T1, T1 pass,it disconnect, disconnect time T2. T2 pass, it will back to T1 and connect, number of cycles can be set 1-999 times, when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 8 (Finite cyclic timer mode 2): The relay is open when power on, disconnect  time T1, T1 pass,it connect, connect time  T2. T2 pass, it will back to T1 and disconnect,
Number of cycles can be set 1-999 times, when reconnect to the power or give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), it can be interrupted and repeat  above function;
Function 9 ( trigger disconnect timing 1): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay connect for  T (can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T pass,relay disconnect. Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is invalid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 10 ( trigger connect timing 2): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay keep disconnect for  T (can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T pass,relay connect(it will always connect if the power is there ). Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is invalid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 11 ( trigger disconnect timing 2): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay connect for  T (can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T pass,relay disconnect. Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is valid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 12 ( trigger connect timing 2): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay keep disconnect for  T (can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T pass,relay connect(it will always connect if the power is there ). Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is valid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 13 (trigger disconnect and then connect  timing mode 1): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay keep disconnect for  T1(can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T1 pass,relay connect for T2, T2 pass, The relay will remain disconnected.Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is invalid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 14 (trigger connect and then disconnect  timing mode 1): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay connect for  T1(can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T1 pass,relay disconnect for T2, T2 pass, The relay will remain connect.Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is invalid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 15 (trigger disconnect and then connect  timing mode 2): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay keep disconnect for  T1(can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T1 pass,relay connect for T2, T2 pass, The relay will remain disconnected.Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is valid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 16 (trigger connect and then disconnect  timing mode 2): When power up,relay is open,when give IN interface a triggered signal (support high/low level triggered, or additional switch button triggered), relay connect for  T1(can be 1 -999 seconds or 1-999 minutes), T1 pass,relay disconnect for T2, T2 pass, The relay will remain connect.Then waiting for the next trigger, give IN interface a signal is valid when it is in trigger delay;
Function 17 (relay self-lock function): When IN the interface is triggered (high/low level trigger, external switch trigger), relay on, give a signal again, relay disconnect;
Features 18 (trigger relay function): when IN the interface  is triggered (high/low level trigger, external switch triggers), relay on, signal disappear, relay disconnected.

1.Please feed corresponding DC voltage to DC voltage termination , wrong or reverse power will damage it;
2. Please set up product function firstly, use FS button to select  1-18 functions;
3. After selecting the function, double-click the FS button will display 't', then adjust the time , using "8 Sel' button and "0-9 Sel' two buttons to adjust the time , "8 Sel" button to select which characters to adjust , "0-9 Sel" adjust the value ;
4. For double- time adjustment, after selecting the function, and then double-click the FS button ,it will appears t1,double -click the FS button,it will appears t2, use 8 Sel 0-9 Sel  two buttons to adjust time,  then double-click again,it  will need to set the "n"  for cycle number;
5. Seconds delay time 1-999 seconds and 1-999 minutes can be select  by long press FS button,it will show A representative of the range is 1-999 seconds ,b for 1-999 minutes;
6. Function 17 and 18 do not need to adjust the time ,for  these two function , the trigger signal to trigger interface can direct control relay;
7. Trigger selection: When the middle pin is connect to the L -side (jumper) ,it is low level trigger , a switch between IN terminal and DC- termination can also be used  for triggering , the jumper is connected to the middle and H , It is the high level trigger, a switch between IN terminal and DC+ termination can also be used  for triggering;