Single axis Analogue Gyroscope Module ENC-03RC

Chip: ENC-03RC Op-amp: The ENC-03RC (SOT23-5 package, excellent performance) Power supply :3-5v Output mode: analog output Ultra-small size: 10mm * 17.5mm

This angular speed sensor uses a Coriolis compel that follows up on a vibrating object when a precise speed is connected to it. Murata's interesting bimorph vibrating unit is utilized as the sensor component unit, along these lines empowering piezoelectric earthenware production to be utilized for both excitation and identification. The utilization of this unit rearranges gear structure and circuit design, in this way making it conceivable to give exceptional execution. This sensor can be utilized for positional control and stance control of a moving item requiring accuracy and brisk reaction estimations. Chip: ENC-03RC Op-amp: The ENC-03RC (SOT23-5 bundle, brilliant execution) Power supply :3-5v Output mode: simple output Ultra-little size: 10mm * 17.5mm