GY-85 9DOF IMU ADXL345 + HMC5883L + ITG3205



Nine axis modules (three-axis gyro three axis acceleration tri-axial magnetic field)

Using immersion gold plating PCB process

Chip: ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L

Power supply: 3v-5V power



Nine axis modules (three-axis gyro three axis acceleration tri-axial magnetic field)

Using immersion gold plating PCB process

Chip: ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L

Power supply: 3v-5V power

Communication mode:

IIC communication protocol (fully compatible with 3v-5V systems, including LLC circuit)

Size: 22mm*17mm

Package included:

1 x Mini Nine axis degree of freedom IMU sensor ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L