Temperature & Environmental
    HTC-1 Digital Hygrometer Temperature and...
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    800C Compression Spring Bayonet Cap K Ty...
    Doppler Radar Microwave Sensor Switch Mo...
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    IC Pressue Sensor ABS 6-SIP MPX5500DP Sp...
    DFRobot Gravity: Analog TDS Sensor Modul...
    WZP-PT100 PT100 Thermal Resistance Plati...
    GP2Y1051AU0F Dust Sensor Air Tester Mete...
    MQ-135 Gas Module Air Quality Sensor (N...
    XH-W1209 Digital Display Temperature Con...
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    T110 Digital Thermometers Electronic Tem...
    ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S DHT11 Temperature...
    Raindrop Detection Sensor Snow Rain Dete...
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