Item Description: 

The most developed RFID peruser/essayist accessible! Possess the best, you merit it. Clone get to cards/labels in short order! 

Copy 125Khz ID (Honeywell) and EM4100 (Rosslare and other RFID organizations) cards and labels. 

Simple to utilize. Just perused it, and afterward compose it. You can even alter the string to make new varieties! 


Backup or copy the proxcard ID 

the client made the ID card with the claim or constant sequential no. 


• Protocol Support

- the program "Hey RW-T1" as ID Proxcard Wiegand organize 

• - wiegand arrange bolster : 24,26,32,34,35,36,37 and 40 

• USB 1.1/2.0 interface (virtual com port) 

- no outside power source required 

- require USB driver establishment 

• Built-in LED and signal 

• Built-in handset radio wire 

• Read/compose remove : ISO card (~2-3 cm) 

• Free developer program 

• Card measure adaptation (95x60x10)mm - It's a little gadget 

The gadget is associated with PC through a smaller than usual USB link, not battery required. 

Here is the manner by which to utilize it: 

1. plug the gadget to PC and introduce the driver. 

[1] introduce the accompanying USB driver before interface the readerto PC 

run CD path:USB driverCH341SER.EXE 

[2] after driver establishment, interface the peruser to PC through the USB link 

[3] it will distinguish and introduce the "USB to sequential " virtual com port driver naturally 

[4] a "virtual com port" will be found from the gadget supervisor as pursue : 

(Comments: essayist program can bolster com port number 1-16 as it were)